
Season 5 Episode 3: Of Earth And Stone - Big Cats, Elephants & Ibex Of The English Bestiaries

Stories From Lore

Episode 3 of our exploration of the old English Bestiary takes us across the ocean to discover the world of lions, elephants and Ibex of the medieval world.

There are some dark folkloric characters explored in this podcast and so, as always, I would recommend that you should listen through first before listening with younger members of your household.

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Anglo-Saxon Cotton Map of the World - https://www.worldhistory.org/image/14124/anglo-saxon-map-of-the-world/

Barber, Richard (1993) Bestiary MS Bodley 764, The Boydell Press, Woodbridge

Borges, Jorge Luis, (2002) The Book Of Imaginary Beings, Vintage

Nelly The Elephant sung by Lulu - https://archive.org/details/lulu-nellie-the-elephant

The Old English Physiologus - https://www.gutenberg.org/files/14529/14529-h/14529-h.htm

The Old English Poetry Project - https://oldenglishpoetry.camden.rutgers.edu/the-panther/

Videen, Hana (2021) The Deor Hord: An Old English Bestiary, Profile Books


Midnight Tale by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Sound Effects via www.orangefreesounds.com & www.pixabay.com

Endangered Animals Listed In The Episode:

Asiatic Lion, Sumatran Tiger, Bengal Tiger, Malayan Tiger, Amur Tiger, Indochinese tiger, south china tiger, Javan leopard, Amur leopard, Arabian Leopard, Indochinese leopard, Anatolian leopard, Asiatic cheetah, northwest and northeast African cheetah, African Forest Elephant, African Savanna Elephant, Asian Elephant, Black rhinos, Javan rhinos, Sumatran rhinos, Nubian Ibex, Walia Ibex, Pyrenean ibex, Addax, Hirola, Ader’s Duiker, Dama Gazelle, Saiga, Chimpanzee, Mountain gorilla, gibbons, lemurs, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, marmosets, capuchins, sakis, tamarins.

You Are Remembered

Sneaking up on an antelope.
The Tiger confused by the glass ball.