I was magnificent once, the first of my kind and strong
War was my design and I revelled in the throng
With archer’s who could volley a dozen arrows every minute
And spike shot sent to shred the hulls of those who sort to sink
Below they stoke the guns, through smoke and creaking bows
Above the gunwales quake with shrieking voices, cries and howls
Yonkers, gromets, archers, ship boys, pikemen and the cooks
All moving as one being, towards the enemy, a flock of rooks
As we turned to face the red flags a wave it heaved my sides
It was over in two minutes the men trapped beneath the tide
They didn’t close the gun port and we took on water quick
I took five hundred with me as I sank into the deep blue slick
There I lay in silence, at peace with the moving waves
Creatures crawled across me and silt it sealed my grave
Ninety-one guns were still in the deep dark blue
Five hundred voices silent, I was a ship without a crew
And then they came to find me, quietly at first
Timid with their curious hands, digging in the dirt
They found my many treasures, a pot, a plate a bow
And soon the found the truth of what I held in the undertow
Now I am for all time, my planks they are laid bare
And all around me are my contents, laid out with reverent care
I can see the guns that once I held, my belly bursting with the weight
But now I have no war to fight in the Solent strait
And so, I wait here patiently as you peer through the glass and ponder
How could it all have been so quick, beneath the roaring waves and thunder
But it was the sea that took me, it knew it was my time
I am at peace for all to see, a snapshot of my prime.
The passage of Time, like the endless roll of the Ocean's waves... beautiful perspective, reminding us we all come to the same End, hoping to be remembered in some way...