Cerridwen's Cauldron
Stories From Lore - A Folklore And Nature Podcast
Season 4 Episode 5: Castle Dwellers - Folklore & Stories Of Castle Ruins

Season 4 Episode 5: Castle Dwellers - Folklore & Stories Of Castle Ruins

Stories From Lore

Season 4 continues with Episode 5 – Castle Dwellers. In this episode we’re exploring some of the folklore, nature and stories surrounding castle ruins.

There are some dark folkloric characters explored in this podcast and so, as always, I would recommend that you should listen through first before listening with younger members of your household.

For more folklore and stories and podcast extras, you can subscribe to my ‘Substack, Cerridwen’s Cauldron’. Just hop over to Substack and search for Cerridwen’s Cauldron or use the link in the show notes and you upgrade to paid for just £5 a month for an extra dose of wild storytelling to your inbox.

As always you can find me via the following channels:





Ashe, Geoffrey et al (1973), Folklore Myths and Legends Of Britain, Readers Digest

Henderson, William (1879). Folklore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders (2nd ed.) W. Satchell, Peyton & Co

Jeffs, Amy (2023) Storyland: A New Mythology of Britain, Quercus Publishing

Westwood & Simpson (2005) The Lore Of The Land, Penguin Books


The Princes In The Tower - https://www.hrp.org.uk/tower-of-london/history-and-stories/the-princes-in-the-tower/#gs.5115me

The Ravens - https://www.hrp.org.uk/tower-of-london/whats-on/the-ravens/#gs.511dzx

Caring For Our Raven – Includes Munin’s escape story -

Welsh Myth Takes Wing –


Sussex Giants - http://www.sussexarch.org.uk/saaf/giants.html

Mythical Creatures – Episode 4 - Redcaps - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001tj0y

Last Tuesday Society Lecture – 25th January 2024 – John Clark – Gog & Magog -


Cerridwen's Cauldron
Stories From Lore - A Folklore And Nature Podcast
Merry Met virtual traveller and welcome to Stories From Lore. A monthly podcast that invites you to ‘Rewild Yourself Through Story,‘ by exploring nature, folklore and the stories it inspires. My name is Dawn Nelson and I am an author and professional storyteller.