‘Turn you face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you’
I love this quote from an unknown source. Sometimes I've seen it attributed to the Māori tradition and it certainly sings of that path. It's one I try to remind myself of when things are tough, as they are for us all from time to time.
February hasn't been the easiest month. It never is for me. It's the darkest, coldest month, that last slog before the light starts visibly returning. Thankfully it's the shortest month, and being busy with events and projects helps immensely. By late February the evening’s are lighter and the narcissi are bobbing their heads along the verges. Bright splashes of yellow to wash away the winter blues.
February half term was full of tales of birds nesting and trees dancing. I had some wonderful audiences and together we conjured up a spell, and sure enough the earth has delivered. Spring is here.
March’s stories are of the sun. My latest book ‘Stories Of The Sun’ will be published on the 7th March and I’m so pleased with how this one turned out. I can't wait for it to be out in the world.
I posted about it here in case you missed it:
I have a slower month for storytelling events, this month, but plenty to do behind-the -scenes. This month, landing in inboxes for all, there will be the usual, book review but this time a little different, in honour of World Book Day, with my five books for mythic living. There’s a break from ‘Stories From Lore’ as I work on my new limited series podcast, ‘Stories Of The Sun’ that accompanies my book.
Coming up this month for paid subscribers there is; ‘Hearths & Halls: Ostara’, ‘Behind The Scenes’ of World Book Day storytelling, March’s Seasonal Altar, a special ‘Walk With Me’ as I join my friend Sue for a stint of her walk from Portsmouth to Brighton, and a look at the lino cuts I created for ‘Stories Of The Sun.’
I hope your March is coming up daisies … and speedwells, forget me knots, cowslips and primroses. Read on to find out where I’m telling stories this month and what my plant, book and podcast of the month are.
This is a free post for all subscribers. For an archive of posts and an extra dose of wild stories to your inbox in the form of Kitchen Witching, spoken word poetry, Notes From The Downs and lost stories, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription for less than the price of the average pint of beer in your local.
Plant Of The Month
One of my favourite spring flowers, speedwells will be popping up on the verges, margins and edges of the fields this month. Some colloquial names include, angel’s eyes, blue eyes, cat’s eyes and billy-bright-eye. This is perhaps because germander speedwell is used in folk medicine to make an eye bath to sooth sore eyes. Conversely in Durham, a bit of folklore says that if children stare at it for an hour or more they will go blind. It’s also said to be pretty good for indigestion. Helpful for all those Easter feasts coming up soon.
In ancient Greece the plant became associated with Athena and symbolised wisdom and knowledge. It is also said to be good luck and speed travellers on their way, hence the common name of speedwell.
To tell the difference between forget-me-nots and speedwells simply count the petals. Speedwells have four, forget-me-knots have five.
Podcast Of The Month :
Often very dark but always intriguing, ‘After Dark’ is a well researched and accessibly presented listen for those who enjoy popular history, murder mystery and curious goings on.
Upcoming Events For March/April:
2nd March - Party For Rowner - Community Engagement Event in Gosport
9th March - Party for Seafield - Community Engagement Event in Gosport
7th March - ‘Stories Of The Sun’ published
7th March - World Book Day - Storytelling at Portsmouth Grammar School
8th March - ‘Stories Of The Sun’, podcast launched. - Listen here
5th, 8th, 12th April - Easter Storytelling - Weald & Downland Living Museum - More Information here
9th April - Feasting Tales - Winchester Museum
10th April - ‘Stories Of The Sun’ - Online Storytelling - The Last Tuesday Society - Book Here
24th April - Poetry Workshop - Portsmouth Poet Laureate project
25th April - Author Event - Gilbert White’s House & Gardens
For more information and to book me for your event, visit my events page using the button below.
Stories Of The Sun, Released March 7th 2024
‘Stories Of The Sun’, is now available to pre-order! For author events check out my events page using the link above for more information.
In Case You Missed It - February’s Paid Subscriber Content:
Hearths & Halls - Imbolc - Watch Here
Pomegranate & The Lioness (a curious tale) - Read Here
5 Winter Essentials For The Outdoor Storyteller - Read Here
The February Altar - February Fallings - Read Here
Winchester’s Hidden Castle - Read Here
Egg Rustler - Read Here
The Rise Of The Gonk - Read Here
Podcast Extras - Read Here
Continuing archive of content available here
Thank you for supporting this newsletter through February. Supporting my work in this way allows me to continue to find new stories and research the old ways, and I thank you from the bottom of my storytelling heart.
Upgrade to paid, for just £5 a month, with the subscribe button below and receive new exclusive subscriber posts each month and an archive of posts for you to peruse at your leisure.
March’s Read:
This month's recommended read is ‘The Lighthouse Witches’ by C.J. Cooke. The narrative moves backwards and forwards through time and each character’s point of view explored as we discover the story of the Stay women and the cause of their strange and sudden disappearance. I loved it and I devoured this book. It's well written and an easy read, one I would recommend to all with a love of folklore, mystery and crime fiction.
My copy of your book, preordered from Bookshop, arrived yesterday- the first day of spring! It's gorgeous and just the thing to cheer up this most un-springy beginning of spring. March really has come in like a lion round here, hasn't it? Well done on the book!! It really is beautiful and I hope it flies as high as it deserves. x